Shaded. Protected. Elegant.

Year-round living space on your patio or deck.

Against All Elements.

Extra protection on your patio or deck.

Poolside Elegance.

Year-round living space by the pool.

Dining. Ambiance. Visibility.

Year-round dining space for your restaurant.

Expansive. Views. Stunning.

Year-round dining space for your restaurant.

Outdoor Living. Outdoor Elegance.

Year-round living space with a view.

Louvered Pergolas for Your Home

Louvered pergolas work for almost any outdoor space. Outdoor living space has evolved over the years, and we are committed to providing you with the best louvered pergola choice for your location and within your budget. If you have commercial property, we can create year-round dining space or additional room at your location. We have you covered!

Please take a look at the variety of pergolas available and where they can be installed.

Spend the time looking at a variety of louvered pergola models to find just the right match for your area – with the options that will enhance your outdoor living space. Contact a professional for installation details and suggestions to insure you get the perfect pergola for you!

In just a few moments you can turn your patio or deck into a shaded paradise using our remote control system – giving you as much protection from the sun and elements as you desire. Louvered pergolas create “outdoor rooms” that offer up to 20 degrees difference in cooling, while providing protection from the sun, including harmful UV rays.  Look for louvered pergola models that offer a variety of screen options to eliminate mosquitoes and other flying insects, block sun and wind, retain heat, keep furniture and people dry during rainy weather, provide privacy from inquisitive neighbors and enhance your personal outdoor living experience.

European Pergolas

European Louvered pergolas Texas

The European engineered, 8″ high-strength, flat louvered pergolas facilitate larger modules than U.S. brands and provide an optically calmer ceiling. With the fully-automatic, rotating aluminum louvers, you regulate the amount of sunlight filtering through the pergola. The overhang can extend beyond the pergola frame, with larger and higher rain gutters for improved drainage via the side posts. There is even a leaf-catcher! With virtually unlimited options, you can customize your louvered pergola to create your perfect outdoor oasis.

The elegant louvers in an internationally patented premium model rotate AND slide open to any position. When fully open, only 13% of the roof area is blocked, allowing for optimal light year-round. These pergolas are truly adaptable, with many atmospheric lighting options to create just the mood you desire.

Louvered pergolas Texas

It’s All In The Details

Louvered pergolas Texas zip screen doors prevent insects

Optional door profile with integrated ZIP screen

Louvered pergolas Texas increase your outdoor living space

A single unit, stand-alone, cross- or L-shape pergola

Louvered pergolas Texas with no screws exposed provide a clean look

Clean design without visible screws

Louvered pergolas Texas can open completely for maximum sun exposure

Pergola with fully extended louvers

Louvered pergolas Texas fully open to allow for maximum air ventilation

Pergola: open, elegant S-shaped louvers

Optional Zip screens prevent insects and mosquitos inside your Louvered pergolas Texas

Pergola with an optional integrated ZIP screen

Personalize Your Outdoor Living Space

fully customizable Louvered pergolas Texas


Louvered pergolas Texas protect from the sun


keep mosquitos out with Louvered pergolas Texas integrated zip screens


Louvered pergolas Texas can be set to minimize effects from wind


Louvered pergolas Texas are registered No Leak Pergolas to keep you dry


Louvered pergolas Texas can be customized to your color choice


Louvered pergolas Texas offers a variety of lighting options for your pergola


Louvered pergolas Texas offer Bluetooth integration


Louvered pergolas Texas can be operated using a remote device


Set your music, lighting, and even your pergola louvers using your cell phone


 Financing Options are often available.

Why Louvered Pergolas?


The louvered pergola industry continues to offer better models, both structurally and aesthetically, for residential and commercial clients. Look at European louvered pergola models for the best quality along with the best solutions for your individual space needs. In some instances, financing may be available.


Commercial Pergolas

Louvered pergolas add an extra element of elegance, visibility, and space to your commercial property. Pergolas for restaurants give customers an outdoor dining experience and extend your dining room capacity. Installing pergolas in public areas give visitors places to sit and connect without worrying about the elements. Our pergolas are so versatile, you can use them in almost any location to enhance your outdoor spaces.

Optional pergola side screens protect against mosquitos and insects for enhanced outdoor dining
Louvered pergolas Texas offers a variety of lighting options to create just the ambiance you want for your customers.
Louvered pergolas Texas has options for fully rotating or opening slats to provide sun, shade, and protection from the elements.

Look for a company that gives great customer service, that comes out and looks at your space, and understands the complexity of installation so you never have to worry about your project – from budget to louvered pergola choice – to the moment you step under your pergola to enjoy your new outdoor living space.